Die Hard Pinball League
Arkadium Retro Arcade has partnered with the Die Hard Pinball League (DHPL) to run the biggest pinball league in the greater Edmonton area out of our facility. The league is sanctioned by the International Flipper Pinball Association (IFPA) and gives World Pinball Player Rankings (WPPR) for each league night of participation. These points accumulate to determine the top 16 players that represent the province in the Alberta Provincial Pinball Championships, the winner then get a chance to represent the province at the IFPA North American Championship Series
League nights will run every second Thursday @ 6:45PM sharp, starting in January 2020 (excluding July/August/December). A $5 league fee is required for drop in play (this is exclusive of the entrance fee). There are six rounds of group match play and the top 8 players from that night battle to determine who wins on any given night. WPPR points from league nights are accumulated over the 19 scheduled events a year and a final playoff night is created to place individuals in their divisions. There are awards for those that place in the top 3 in each of their skill divisions.
The league is setup for all skill levels but limits to players over the age of 12, however, exceptions can always be made, please contact the DHPL for exceptions. The league also limits each night to a maximum of 80 players a night so show up early and often for a chance to play!!!
2020 League Night Dates:
January 2, 16, 30
February 13, 27
March 12, 26
April 9, 23
May 7, 21
June 4, 18
September 4, 18
October 1, 15, 29
November 12, 28
Ladies Pinball Night
Arkadium Retro Arcade will also be running a monthly women's pinball league. This league will run on a Wednesday night each month and will be IFPA sanctioned for women's only points. There will be a special ladies night admission rate for these nights. It is a great way to hang out, enjoy some wine and have a fun filled night to play some pins with just the girls. So bring out your friends and do a little ballin' on ladies night!!!
2020 Ladies League Nights
January 8
February 5
March 4
April 1
May 13
June 10
September 9
October 7
November 4
All ages and skill levels are welcome!