
Business Rentals

If you are looking to have a more engaging workplace for your staff, or show it off for clients that come into your office our pinball rental program is a great opportunity to enhance your space. We provide you with the latest and greatest pinball machines and ensure they are maintained throughout the rental term, and switch out every few months so that you get different titles throughout your rental period. Our prices include delivery, setup and technical support in case of breakdown.

For those establishments that are interested in a profit share model for coin drop on pinball machines we have a wide range of music titles available it is a great opportunity for a pub or bar to make a little extra revenue from their core business or to attract another type of crowd to their location.

Feel free to inquire within if you are interested in any of our services.

Pinball Rental Program

Not sure if you really want invest in purchasing a brand new pinball machine, or want to try out different games every few months, well we have the program for you. Arkadium Retro Arcade is now renting pinball machines out to the public for all to enjoy. We deliver, setup and pickup your machine after the rental period for a nice convenient and fun way to enjoy some pinball in your very own home. We have a great selection of new games that are available. So inquire and try one out, you and your family will get hours of enjoyment during your rental period.

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